America has lots of big problems today, but none is bigger and more threatening than the shattered economy that the Obama administration is attempting to patch back together in the wake of our economic 9/11. And, according to most experts, on both sides of the political isle, the biggest and most challenging problem for the economy is the out of control cost of healthcare which as quadrupled over the past decade while wages have stagnated or lost ground. Left unchecked healthcare costs will consume 50% of GDP by 2020 and in the process it will provide America?s Titanic with its own iceberg.
A Malignant Tumor
Now, within the issue of healthcare sits a malignant tumor that the most recent Surgeon General has labeled America?s # 1 health threat, the terrorist within, and worse than smoking or HIV Aids.? It?s known as OBESITY. Obesity and related medical problems not only cost American taxpayers $ 147 BILLION ANNUALLY, but it also ruins the lives of millions of otherwise productive American citizens every year.
Connecting the Dots?
In other words, solving the obesity epidemic (starting with a viable childhood obesity prevention strategy) automatically brings healthcare costs under control. And bringing healthcare costs under control automatically lifts a humongous burden off of America?s crippled economy, allowing it to breathe freely and to redevelop the strength and vitality for which it?s been known for over two hundred years now.
Pie in the Sky Double Talk Without?
However, all that is theoretical conjecture, pie in the sky double talk, another bridge that leads to nowhere without a viable solution to the obesity epidemic. And over the past decade America has spent countless billions on researching everything under the sun in the name of stomping out childhood obesity. But to date we?re losing ground at every turn, while millions of kids (around the globe) continue to be sucked into the childhood obesity sewer and as the result, they?re scarred for life.
Functional Acid Test Strategy
In that light let?s introduce a solution that the American Society of Exercise Physiologists has described as ?A simple, easily implemented, easily documented, and AFFORDABLE SOLUTION TO CHILDHOOD OBESITY.? In some circles this strategy is known as a functional acid test and it?s built on three simple observations.
First it says that kids who can physically pull their own weight (i.e. do pull ups) are NEVER OBESE. Second it says that, if started young, before supersizing takes root, and if given access to the right information, most kids can learn to do pull ups in a predictable amount of time (i.e. one school year). Third, it concludes that if observations number one and two are correct, then it logically follows that MOST KIDS CAN NATURALLY IMMUNIZE THEMSELVES AGAINST OBESITY FOR LIFE by learning and maintaining the ability to do pull ups. How simple and cost effective is that?
Tens of Thousands of Meaningful Jobs
All this being the case, we?ll throw one more very important log onto this enlightening fire when we add that it?s very easy to teach people how to help kids learn to physically pull their own weight. This could easily be done through local community colleges around the nation where we could quickly develop an army of people who are qualified and capable of helping kids learn to physically pull their own weight and to naturally immunize themselves against obesity for life in Head Start programs, schools, park districts, Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCA?s, Scouts, etc. all over the US.
A Two-For One We Can Ill Afford To Pass Up
In other words this simple strategy not only cost effectively eliminates obesity and related problems in a predictable amount of time, and saves Americans $ 147 Billion a year, but it also creates tens of thousands of MEANINGFUL JOBS while it helps jump start the economy at the same time! A more potent two-for one deal would be very hard to imagine at this moment in time. Now this is a change we could all believe in. Cash for Clunkers, take a back seat.
Rick Osbourne spent 17 years as a physical educator and coach. He currently serves as Executive Director of Operation Pull Your Own Weight, an informational website whose claim to fame is a strategy that motivates kids to naturally immunize themselves against obesity for life. Osbourne is also a member of the American Society of Exercise Physiologists, a public speaker, and his latest book ?Strong at Everything, Weak at Nothing: How to Motivate Your Kids to Eat Better, Exercise More, and to Immunize Themselves Against Obesity for Life,? is available online at Amazon. Osbourne a can be reached at
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